One of the most satisfying feelings, when you are an HoC consultant, is to see your client transform before your very eyes. It’s like a butterfly unfurling, beautiful to watch someone grow in confidence as they look and feel better about themselves.
If you haven’t read Sophia’s blog do so now but come back so you can hear it from my side.
Sophia came to me newly engaged and ‘on the case’ to sort out her colours and style before her wedding. She came with her mother who had had her colours done years before and it was a lovely mother and daughter session.
I could see that Sophia was a very attractive girl, her look was polished and well-groomed. She is personable and was so eager to learn all she could from me, I liked her immediately.
To me the Colour Analysis process is magical, it’s like going under the Harry Potter Sorting Hat.... the drapes will do the magic and tell you the answer... I am just trained to interpret what I see and help you see it too!
Sophia was hoping to be a Winter, that is where most of her wardrobe was. She wore a lot of black and had put cool ash blonde tones in her hair. She came for her Colour Analysis in a cool navy and white striped jumper and I remember had beautifully manicured fuchsia pink nails... it was quite a shock for her to learn that the warm, rich, earthy tones of Autumn were her best colours. She could just about see the warm navy and some of the darker and lighter shades, but moss green, orange, and amber were way out of her comfort zone.
I was as reassuring as I could be... it’s about starting with baby steps. Start with the makeup and a colour from your palette that you like near your face. My first bit of advice was to embrace her naturally warm hair shades, still be blonde, but a warm blonde. To Sophia’s credit, she took it all on board, and it wasn’t many weeks later she returned for her Style session with warm hair and was feeling much happier.
Style-wise Sophia was naturally very classic which had been encouraged by her corporate job with a strict dress code. Her softer feminine personality was not reflected in her look. She needed to lose the masculine lines and embrace a more luxurious style. Sadly, the newly purchased autumn coloured chunky jumper was neither fitted nor feminine enough for her Romantic Classic need all parts of the puzzle!
Sophia left her Style session with the tools to make good choices from now on. She personalised her wedding dress and, in her words, felt a million dollars on the day.
Having been through this experience I know it has made Sophia an empathetic consultant able to support her clients and let them blossom just as she has for me. I couldn’t be more proud!
Siân Davies