In the interactions we have with people in the day-to-day, our nearest and dearest on one end of the scale and total strangers on the other, there are so many assumptions we make about those interactions and what they mean. We tell ourselves stories about that person, about what they are thinking or feeling, their agendas or motives. Those stories end up informing the way we behave in that relationship, the way we communicate with that person and how they perceive, relate to and understand us. The ironic thing is, a lot of the time we actually have no idea about whether these stories we are telling ourselves (on a conscious or subconscious level) are true!
Part of that storytelling results from how we are perceived by the people around us - how they ‘translate’ us. The more you think about this, the more you realise how true and fundamental it is. It can influence the opportunities that come our way each day, our levels of self-confidence and ultimately the success and health of our relationships.
The messages that we give out to the world about who we are, what we value, our self-assurance, the authority we carry - can all lead to either an accurate or an inaccurate translation and perception by others. These messages can be communicated a number of different ways - through the way we speak, our manners, our body language, the words we use, and the way we look. There are certain things we can’t control about the way we present ourselves, but a lot of it we can (yes, we can!) and a big part of that is how we present ourselves physically and how confident we are with that. Someone I’m meeting for the first time doesn’t know my personality and they don’t know my history, so a lot of the guesswork is taken out when I show up in the way most authentic to me, and the chances are increased of the messages I’m giving out being correct.
No-one else is like you. You are the only person in the world who has had your upbringing, set of friends, problems and pleasures. You’re the only person with your brain and you’re the only person who does what you do and goes where you go every day. You’re the only person who looks exactly like you. Unique neural pathways will have formed through your experiences and how your character responds to those experiences, and you are the only person who translates the world - and other people - exactly like you do. Knowing yourself is something to be valued and treasured. The process can require discipline, but it shouldn’t be something that only happens if you have time after thinking about everyone else. It is to be prioritised and seen as the foundation for how you operate in the world.
I’m telling you, taking control of the messages that you are sending out to the world through the way you look and the types of clothes you choose to put on your body, is an extremely powerful tool. It is a lifetime resource that ultimately I believe everyone should have access to. Knowing your seasonal palette of colours and the style that best reflects who you are on the inside is a way of taking hold of the messaging you are giving out to the world. Stop being undervalued and second-guessed! Stop being subject to others’ expectations of you and discover the freedom that comes from being totally comfortable in your own skin..and clothes!
At House of Colour the vision behind colour and style analysis is to celebrate you, unapologetically and unreservedly! You are created with a unique design and you are not an accident. You are the only version of you that will ever walk this earth and that is to be honoured and treated with care and respect. In style analysis we look at every part of you, not just your body shape but also your personality and how you want to be perceived by the world - what type of messaging you want to create.
It would be my pleasure and privilege to be part of your journey. To find out more about my Colour and/or Style Analysis Sessions please contact me by email or phone, or just go ahead and book up!